Sunday, September 7, 2008


On Saturday morning, around 11, we took a train to Vitorchiano, a small town about 20 km from Viterbo. Actually this line is a part of "Met.Ro." -- Metropolitana di Roma. Unfortunately it turned out the Vitorchiano station was actually about 3 km from town. And it was a hot day. But the town is pretty, situated at the confluence of two ravines.

Below the town we found a very nice hiking trail, and engaged in agriturismo of sorts: picked some hazelnuts from the ground along the road...

and wild figs, which grow like weeds here.

Then an impromptu lesson on the articoli determinativi e indeterminativi and verbi regolare, studying the graffiti on the wall at the railroad station.

Some quality stuff: "Se mi cherchi e non mi trovi, cerca mi in un sogno..."

Overall, a good trip: "tired but content..."
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