Sunday, September 7, 2008

La cena "medioevale"

On Saturday evening, a "medieval" supper with the school colleagues and the most enthusiastic of the host families. A colleague picked us up near our house and we drove to Orte, about 30 km from Viterbo. The supper was in a "cantina" which opened as a restaurant for only two weekends in a year. The place, we were told, was probably not a cantina but was used to hold sheep and other animals. Very apropriate. We were warned that it will be very hot, and the food won't be all that great, but we should go "for the atmosphere..." The atmosphere was mostly CO2, with about 200 people in a cellar-like room with a couple of windows open somewhere. It was also extremely loud, but after an opening by group of "medieval" musicians, we didn't pay any more attention to the noise, and stayed in (and with) good spirits. The main dish was wild boar, of course.

"Tired but content..."

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