Saturday, September 27, 2008

Umbria trip: Day 3 -- Spoleto

Spoleto is famous for its Festival dei Due Mondi -- summer arts festival, its Ponte delle Torri , and its Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta with Fra' Filippo Lippi's frescoes.

The Ponte -- a gorgeous bridge over the deep, green valley -- was built in the 13-th century on the foundation of an ancient Roman aqueduct.

The views are spectacular; our photos don't do them justice. There are, of course, better pictures on the Internet.

The cathedral is a bit eclectic on the outside and not very impressive inside, with the exception of the frescoes and paintings.

Our crowd is heading back from the cathedral square to the bus. It's pretty chilly; people are wearing jackets, and our Italian teacher of Ancient History even a skiing hat.

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