Monday, September 22, 2008

Lunch on high seas

The mariners started snacking on little hors d'oeuvres at noon and by 1:30 were ready for lunch. Another boat joined at anchor -- the lunch rendezvous was planned ahead. Their crew passed over some antipastas to us. We reciprocated with home made fettucini (noodles) with tuna sauce, all brought from home. This is our skipper Alberto (right) and Mauro posing with the fettucini.

Pasta followed by meatballs, then coffee with cookies. Passing a hot coffee pot from one boat to another took some care -- I'd say the most dangerous moment at sea that day. You can't say we learned nothing: the table cloth had diagrams of knots on it.

Not long after lunch one of the crew -- Teresa -- started getting a little sea sick, and pretty soon we headed back to the marina.

I got home by 5:30, after 9 hours of listening to the Italian. (Have I mentioned that Italians like to talk?) It was like an audio equivalent of a 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle; the pieces did fit together once in a while. I dreamed in Italian that night.
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