Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday performance

Santo, a colleague who teaches Italian Civilization and Ancient History, has written a "romanzetto medievale" "Lo Drago de Cammenòt." This is a whimsical piece, not exactly a parody, not exactly a tale, written in pseudo medieval Italian, which is in fact a mixture of distorted Italian, various dialects, some Spanish, some French, etc. Requires concentration:

A piece from the "romanzetto" was performed on Saturday night in the auxiliary room of Teatro Comunale by a small group of amature actors in costumes. It was preceded by a fairly long lecture, Italian style, by someone who looked like a university professor. Did I mention before that Italians like to explain things? I didn't get much of it and passed the time ruminating on the subject of hearing impaired. It must be hard to use a sign language here: how do you combine required signs with gestures? The performance was kind of fun, though, and well received.
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