Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The body

Last night, the body of Santa Rosa was paraded in the streets in the annual reenactment of "traslazione" from her second burial place in chiesa della Crocetta to the Santuario, where she rests now. This year is the 750-th anniversary. In anticipation... (slightly detached?)

The colorful procession was made of people in period costumes from the middle ages to modernity. It moved quickly through the centuries; I am not sure where exactly the "chess" drummers belong:

This was followed by the current religious and civic groups. And finally, the body in the glass coffin, carried by the "facchini":

Posing for a picture at the stands when the procession is over. Getting bolder: "Signora, me può fare una foto, per favore?" She was happy to oblige, of course.

In general, the Viterbesi seem to be a little self-conscious in front of foreigners about this Santa Rosa business. Or is it my imagination?
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