Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nov 21-23, Friday - Sunday -- the K-ovs in town

S, M, and their daughter Masha with Leva and Vanya arrived late on Friday, "tired but happy" after touring Rome, Naples, Pompei. Unfortunately, on Saturday S and Masha had to go back to Rome, to put Leva on the plane -- alone! -- back to Moscow. He didn't want to miss a week of school. This turned into a long trip, but they got back unharmed, around 3 pm. Meanwhile, we slept pretty late, except Vanya, who woke up early and engaged in energetic reading of "The Diamond Thieves" or something like that.

After breakfast, a tour of our market at Piazza Faustino...

... tasting and purchasing porchetta, insalata di mare...

and some fruit and veggies:

In the afternoon, after the family reunification (minus Leva), a "Viterbo by night" tour, including the olive oil "festa" -- two or three oil tasting tents set up around the town center. Here we ran into a "renaissance" travelling band performance by the fountain on Piazza della Morte, next to one of the tents:

Olives on a tree...

... olives on bruschetta:

From there, through the medieval quarter, on to wine tasting -- they had one at the place where we usually buy wine.

They had all kinds of tasty snacks, including pecorino cheese with honey and...

... "typical Viterbese," they said -- pancakes with grated pecorino and sugar. M also liked the honey dispensing gadget, but unfortunately they didn't sell those at the place, so it went on a shopping list. Primitivo di Puglia tasted good to all...

... so we bought a liter... and went home for supper: that seafood salad, couscous with lamb, etc. What a nice way to spend a depressingly-big-number birthday eve.

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