Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nov 23, Orvieto, Sunday 2 pm

Orvieto is in Umbria, near the Lazio border, about 50 km north of Viterbo. We picked a "scenic" route which gave S a chance to practice his shift-driving skills, tested our GPS, which kept mumbling something incomprehensible about recalculations and u-turns, and made Masha a little car sick (the latter mostly due to her own condition). A series of escalators in tunnels dug through the rock take you from the parking lot to the town streets above.

The first stop was at a little trattoria Da Carlo on a side street -- the kind of place that does not have a "menu turistico," in fact, doesn't have any written menu at all. It was run by a family (father, mother, son, daughter) and was pretty packed -- the end of the lunch time on a Sunday afternoon. The mother said to us, apologetically, "Siamo stanchi..." Took a while, but we didn't mind much: I guess it was our own contribution to the Slow Food movement (and a chance to raise a birthday toast for me, too).

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