Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rome, Saturday, Oct. 25

Being very cool tourists, we decided to skip all the familiar sights ("been there done that")...

and settled on a leisurely walk... from Trastevere, through Isola Tiberina... piazza Rocca della Verità... the synagogue...

...through Ghetto... (most everything was closed, but this souvenir shop, was open for some reason, and M couldn't resist a small wooden Pinocchio -- for Henry) a pretty Turtle Fountain (La Fontana delle Tartarughe)... Piazza Mattei...

...(a German tourist took this one)...

...and on to Campidoglio (make your own postcards,

look at the forums from the terrace where every great man stood,

peek through other people's windows)...

Then we headed slowly towards the Colosseo...

..with a lunch stop (lasagna) on one of the side streets.

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