Sunday, August 31, 2008

Repercorrendo le vie dell'esilio di Santa Rosa

Santa Rosa is the beloved patron Saint of Viterbo. as a young girl, she became a kind of dissident against Emperor Federico II in the 13th century, going around and preaching in favor of the church. As it happens, she was sent in exile for that, but after the premature death of Federico in a few days, presumably predicted by Rosa, che returned to Viterbo. She died herself only after a few months. Eventually she was raised to sainthood for her virtuous life, a few miracles, and poor health. The church movedg her body three times, to more and more prestigious places. It can still be seen on display ("like Lenin"?) around Santa Rosa days (the week of September 3).

For the past several years the Commune di Viterbo sponsors a three-day walk along the road of exile of Rosa ("po mestam boyevoi slavy"). I decided to join the first day, on Saturday, (while M was busy greeting arriving students).

Luckily, Rosa's exile was not very far: first day from Viterbo to Soriano nel Cimino (24 km), second day to Vitorchiano (22 km), third day back to Viterbo (16 km).

Some pretty views, some dusty trails, not much conversation.

And a certificate!

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