Sunday, August 31, 2008

The destination: Soriano nel Cimino

We left Viterbo at 9:30, after a brief speech and prayers at the church of San Francisco, and arrived to Soriano by 4 pm, with an hour stop for lunch. Gained about 400 meters in altitude. Not exactly Kilimanjaro, but pretty tiring, if you ask me.

Soriano is a quiet little town on the hill. The main square and the gate to the old town:

I hoped to see Castello Orsini, (, which now houses a university campus, but it was closed "per motivi technici."

Luigi Pirandello spent several summers in Soriano in 1908-10 and later, after the WWI, escaping from the summer heat in Rome. "Citizens of Soriano in memory of his stays "nella perla dei Cimini" (in the "pearl" of the Cimini mountains).

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