Thursday, August 21, 2008

Double pizza

We spent the morning at school today, struggling with a 5 kg algebra textbook and a computer virus, an Italian variety, respectively. Both worked out, I guess. But our walk to buy local wine from a barrel failed because the place was closed for vacation.

Later we skipped "Cena con i Facchini" on Piazza di San Lorenzo. "Facchini" are the 100 men that will carry "Macchina" di Santa Rosa around town on September 3 This was a kind of charity supper; a couple of guys singing badly. This goes on for four nights in a row.

Instead we chose pizzeria Il Monastero, nearby. The place was recommended by the school secretary, but we found it disappointing. Their gimmick is to serve large pizzas on two plates. Soon after this picture was taken, the place got really crowded, busy, and noisy, and our pizzas weren't very good.

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