Sunday, August 31, 2008

Getting ready for the holiday

September 3 in Viterbo is the day of the patron saint Santa Rosa. This is like Thanksgiving, 4th of July and Memorial Day combined. The main event is carrying the so called "Macchina di Santa Rosa" -- a 32 meter high 5000 kg tower, decorated with gold and lights etc. ("Macchina," pronounced 'mak-kina -- is this the origin of the Russian word "mah-'ina"?). The "macchina" is carried around town at night by 100 "facchini"(carriers). There are also several "mini-macchini" carried by "mini-facchini" (young boys) on the previous days. This is a whole separate business -- let's wait and see.

Meanwhile, the streets are being swept and decorated, the trees are being trimmed, etc.

Nothing can help much via Marconi above: it is built in Mussolini style with ugly fascist buildings on the sides and it leads to the banal Union Theater.

White, red, and blue flags of the Brotherhood of the Facchini of Santa Rosa are all over town.

The "macchina" makes several stops at piazzas, where stands with chairs are set up. This one is on the central square, Piazza del Plebiscito. The rumor has it that Berlusconi is scheduled to attend.

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