Saturday, October 4, 2008


While I was sailing last Sunday, M visited with the host family of one of her students.

M narrates: ‘They live in Vetralla, a small town not far from Viterbo. We went on a 3-hour walk in the Marturanum Regional Park in Barbarano Romano, mainly to see the ancient Etruscan tombs (6th through 3rd century BC), right along the path.’

‘The tombs are like real houses, with “beds” and carved decorations.’

‘In one place we saw a centuries-old carving on the outside wall.’

‘After a pleasant lunch (two hours) we toured Vetralla ’s streets and churches. My hosts live in a palazzo built in 1670 (the one with the merlons).’

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K&M said...

What's a merlon?

vistamista said...
