Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A hike to Monte Cimino

On Saturday morning we took a train to Soriano and went on a hike to the top of Monte Cimino (1053 meters, about 12 km round trip). We went with the American colleagues, husband and wife, from school.

A very nice day for a hike, around 20 degrees C, lots of blackberries and chestnuts on the way. Near the top, the "famous" faggeta, what remains of the old beech tree forest (beech in Italian is faggio). Most of the forests in Italy are gone, so the Italians are proud of what remains. Some of these trees are 300 years old.

The tower at the top of the mountain has a Madonna in a niche and a solar panel on top.

Back to Soriano by 5 pm.

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