Sunday, October 26, 2008

Canale Monterano

Last Sunday an outing with the SYA host families to La Riserva Naturale di Canale Monterano, about 40 km south from Viterbo. This is a nice large park around the ruins of the ancient Roman town of Monterano.

Sulfur springs, bronze-age caves (on the background):

"La tagliata" -- a narrow Etruscan road cut [the same root as in taglia -- waist size] through the tuffa rock (to control the traffic):

The ruins of the palazzo and the San Bonaventure convent and church designed by Bernini for the Pope Clement X in the second half of the 17th century.

The place was used in the 1981 popular movie Il Marchese del Grillo with Alberto Sordi, which by a coincidence, was on TV the previous night.

The day, which started at 8 am, ended with an 8 pm catered supper. It took place at a pavilion by a rugby field...

Our guide, Massimo, (next to me) is a history prof at a school in Viterbo and also a rugby coach.

The menu: papardelle (wide noodles) al sugo di cinghiale (wild boar), a stew of cinghiale, a "surprise" stew with beans (pictured above - email for details), ice cream pie, and coffee. Back home at 11 pm. Non è possibile per me così! (We have been using this phrase often! It is the first thing you learn in the Michel Thomas' Italian CD course.)

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