Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Chestnuts everywhere -- they are a big deal here this time of year. Several towns organize La Fiesta delle Castagne over two or three weekends. We've run into one in Soriano nel Cimino. Here they are, quite ripe:

The nature park at the top of Monte Cimino seems somehow a little naive, probably due to the fairly recent arrival of the idea. There are fancy geological maps and posters about plants and birds.

But not a single marked hiking trail, direction sign, or a "you-are-here" map.

Back in town, decorations, flags, parades, battle reenactments, and competitions among the four "rioni" (districts) of the little town. Each has its own colors, of course.

And chestnuts.

We came just in time as the "big guy" finished roasting a batch, skillfully flipped the grill dropping the hot chestnuts onto a canvas, and was about to distribute them to eager takers, all equipped with white paper bags --like little chicks opening their beaks.

Back on our way to the main square:

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