Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sorrento / Amalfi Coast 12/5-8 -- Monday

In the morning, not very early, we left our B&B and headed to the place called Sant'Agata sui due Golfi in the center of the Sorrento peninsula:

From there you can see both the Gulf of Naples and the Gulf of Salerno. A nearby monastery, called Deserto, has a belvedere, but, unfortunately, it was closed in the morning, so we could see only one gulf, the Gulf of Naples. It is prettier, anyway, with Capri, Ischia, and Procida, Naples and Vesuvio. (We saw both gulfs later from the road.)

From Sant'Agata we decided to go to Positano on the Amalfi Coast.

A rest area on the road...

... is decorated by funny pictures on ceramic tiles...

... and some cheesy Neapolitan poetry:

Fabrizio took this picture at one of the "scenic outlooks"on the road to Positano:

(Believe it or not, some assholes dump garbage over the rail, here!)

Positano itself is more vertical than horizontal:

Our visit to town was not very successful, though. Fabrizio, for some reason, decided to park a mile away, above the town. By the time we walked down it was already 1:30 and we realized that we might miss our planned 5 pm train from Rome to Viterbo. So we skipped the planned picnic lunch and hurried back to Rome, watching the clock and eating sandwiches in the car. By the time we got close to Rome it became clear that we would miss that train, anyway, by a few minutes. I proposed to go to Fabrizio and Isabella's house and have tea. Isabella then calmed down considerably and said we can check e-mail there, too. An hour later they drove us to the station and we took the 7 pm train...

... and were home by 9, "stanchi ma contenti."

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