Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sorrento / Amalfi Coast 12/5-8 -- Friday

The occasion for the trip was Isabella's talk to a group of practitioners at a rehab clinic about emotions or something like that. She always takes Fabrizio with her; the kids are now too big and not interested. So they invited us to go along. The rehab clinic is located in the mountains above Amalfi Coast, between Naples and Salerno. The organizers booked a room for Isabella in a four-star Villa Soglia ("villa threshold") in Castel San Giorgio; we booked a room there, too.

We left Viterbo on a 2:30 train and arrived to Isabella/Fabrizio's place around 5. It was raining like crazy. Fabrizio had parent conferences and came home late. So we left home around 6:30 and made it to Castel San Giorgio around 10:30 at night.

There was a restaurant open on the main street (Adinolfi Restaurant). It looked pretty fancy -- the kind of place with 3 wine glasses in front of each setting. In such places they often don't give you a menu, so you have no idea what you might end up spending; our Italians are too proud to ask. We ordered pasta frutti di mare and two seafood plates to share for the "main dish" -- octopus on potatoes and mussels, a bottle of wine. (No pictures from that meal -- everyone was too hungry.) It turned out to be good and very reasonable (18 euro each) -- put everyone in a good mood.

When we found our hotel we just crashed.

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