Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday 2/6 -- Musei Capitolini

I haven't been here for many years... The museum has been expanded and improved a lot. La Lupa is still there:

Scholars are still arguing about its provenance: the Etruscans or 13th century? I didn't know the twins were added much later, in the 15th century. Here are a couple of SYA girls posing with La Lupa:

La Lupa was on their list of things to visit and on their Ancient History quiz the following Monday.

The original equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius is now inside in a special hall (a copy stands on Campidoglio):

It has been restored after the 1979 dynamite attack.

There is an open balcony in the Tabularium on the lower floor with a perfect view of the forum:

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