Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sicily trip: Naples, Jan 4

Off the ship in Naples on Sunday Morning. Last stop: the archeological museum, which had a magnificent exhibit Ercolano: tre secoli di scoperte, mostly marble and big and small bronze statuettes, very pretty. No pictures from this exhibit for some reason (probably the no-camera rule was enforced).

The exhibit included a kind of display/memorial for the victims: a large sandbox with lots of skeletons in it, surrounded by mirrors for stronger effect. Apparently the herculanians had plenty of time to escape the eruption but didn't see much danger. They moved out to the nearby beach and were relaxing and observing the eruption from there. 12 hours later Vesuvius exploded and sent a heat wave of 400 degrees traveling at 80 km/hour...

The museum also hosted a special exhibit Il Gladiatore, featurning objects found in Pompeii:

One poster explained that gladiator games were not very frequent, and that citizens, "especially women," were very grateful to the organizer who paid for the games. An expensive way to impress women, if you ask me.

We liked this wild boar from the permanent exhibit:

And, of course, a stop at il gabinetto segreto:

These are cute oil lamps:

The censor (M) found this post too... one sided and asked to include a few more pictures for a more balanced presentation. Well here they are: the Philosopher...

the Atlas, still holding, thank god (note also The Thinker by the window, doing a puzzle -- no one cares about your camera here...)

a very fine Roman mosaic:

Like Mona Lisa, she seems to be looking at you from every angle.

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